
We got puppies!!! So far, no one who I've told about the pups has EVER heard of the breed - haha! They are maremma sheep dogs - a brother and sister pair from NC that, quoting my dad, bring so much joy to each day. They've been here 9 days and we are all smitten.

They are go-go-go. They are into everything, and they fight constantly (unless they are sleeping, which they seem to do a lot of). They forgive and forget faster than any other brother and sister I've ever known - Pretty sweet to witness.

no posing these 4

no posing these 4



can't handle the head tilt!!

can't handle the head tilt!!

dusk at the farm

dusk at the farm

Weeks 2 and 3...

Some shots from the farm from late September / early October. Right now, all we are growing is Johnson grass, but that will change soon I am certain!

Lots of good stuff on the horizon...I (Morgan) am heading to the ASCFG conference in Newark (DE) mid-October...Mom and dad are getting puppies (TWO!!!) What fun photo ops they will be!! Dad is getting a couple of tractor implements so we can mow and till the garden...

Looking forward to working on my future workshop, to some farm visitors in the coming weeks, and to checking things off our loooooong to do list!

Happy fall!